A photo from our gig at Swanton Care Home fete on 10th July. It was a very hot afternoon but residents, their families and staff enjoyed the fun.


From left. Graham, Dennis, Theresa, Don, Brenda, Jo, Jenny, Alan, Chris, Bill
The Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham

On the evening of Saturday 19th February the Fakenham Ukes had the privilege of entertaining The Walsingham Partnership. The evening was a wonderful success enjoyed by both the supportive audience and the Ukulele players.
We received some great feedback following our gig at The Shrine in Walsingham a couple of weeks ago. Apologies for the delay in posting this, but I’m sure you’ll agree it’s worth the wait….
‘……A MASSIVE THANK YOU to you and all the band for providing excellent end of dinner entertainment on Saturday evening. Needless to say it was received by all exceedingly well - they were buzzing at breakfast on Sunday morning. Feedback was all very good. Special thanks to Alan too… I loved the 3 verses of The Pilgrim Hymn. I suspect it must have touched most of the pilgrims present as they’ve not heard that for the past 2 years! Wonderful. Once again many thanks for making our weekend very special.’
Wighton Village Hall Party Night. February 5th.
This was a terrific gig for us. Audience participation all evening right from the start.
Well done Wighton you made the evening very special.

Nelson Club at Wells on 6th October 22
We were pleased to be able to entertain members of the Nelson Club. It has been over a year, because of Covid, since the last time we played there. The patients and staff were most welcoming and we all enjoyed the afternoon.

The Wells Summer Fayre event on the Buttlands. Sunday August 28th 2022
Graham our band leader was unable to be with us at this event but we were able to get a stand in at the last minute.

We were pleased to be invited to play at the Wells Summer Fayre. A large crowd enjoyed the many stalls and exceptionally fine weather.
Our event at Norton Hill Light Railway at Snettisham. 21st August 2022.

We were privileged to be able to play at the Norton Hill Light Railway. The event was arranged to raise funds for the Kings Lynn Purfleet Trust. The weather was great on the day with many people of all ages enjoying the miniature train rides and various side stalls

Todays concert at the St Andrews festival, Holt. 29th July
The concert took place in the wonderful St Andrews church in Holt. A lovely venue which we have been lucky enough to play at before. We enjoyed entertaining a large crowd for this lunchtime event. The proceedings were live streamed on the internet. A recording of which can be found on Youtube by following this link.
LUNCHTIME CONCERT: The Fakenham Ukes - YouTube

Halsey House, Cromer

On Friday 21st April the Fakenham Ukes visited Halsey House to play at the Royal British Legion Danbury unit. The event was to celebrate the opening of their new sensory garden. The residents, guests and ourselves all enjoyed the afternoon in the sunshine.
East Barsham Hall Open Garden Event.
Sunday 2nd July 2023
We were once again privileged to be invited to play at the Open Garden Event held at East Barsham Hall. Such a wonderful venue with the lawns and gardens to stroll around. A great many people enjoyed afternoon tea on the terrace in the sunshine.

On Saturday 19th August 23 we were again privileged to be able to play at the Norton Hill Light Railway. The event was arranged to raise funds for the Kings Lynn Purfleet Trust. The weather was great on the day with many people of all ages enjoying the miniature train rides and various side stalls

On Sunday 20th August 23 we played at the Party on the Pasture event at Blakeney. There was a wonderful crowd which made the whole event very special. The weather was great on the day with many people of all ages enjoying the music, craft fair and various side stalls.

Nelson Club at Wells.
Thursday 5th October 23
We once again were privaledged to be invited to play at the Nelson Club for residents and day members. Everyone enjoyed the afternoon of music, refreshments and raffle.

Wighton Village Hall Grand Opening. 28th October 2023
On Saturday the Fakenham Ukes played at the grand opening of Wighton new village hall. We played the last gig in the old hall, about 18 months ago, and are thrilled to have been invited to play the first gig in the new venue. The event was attended by lots of villagers and friends who enjoyed a wonderful evening of music, song and dance.

Saturday 6th July. St Winnolds Lodge, Downham Market. A barbeque event well attended on a showery afternoon.

Saturday 3rd August. Meadow Walk Retirement Village. A celebratory afternoon with a barbeque and entertainment for the residents and their friends and families.

26th May. North Creak Church fete. A well attended function in the village hall.

1st June. Who Let The Dogs Out. We played in an open field on a cold and windy day. The event was well attended by many dog lovers.

6th June. Woodstock Care Home. A cellebration for the 80th Anniversary of the D Day landings with several 40s songs being enjoyed.

8th June. A wonderful afternoon at Great Ryburgh. The event, which was very well attended, was to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the village shop opening.
North Creake Church Fete.
Sunday 26th May 2024
This was our first Summer Fete of 2024. Although it was a day of sunshine and showers the event held in the village hall was well attended.

Our return gig at the Queens Head in Foulsham.
26th April 2024.
Once again we were pleased to be able to entertain the customers of the Queens Head. It was a great night with many customers and ourselves having an enjoyable time.
Click on the Facebook link below to see a video of some of the evening.

Our return gig at Halsey House Care Home at Cromer. 10th February 2024.
This is becoming one of our regular events which we are always pleased to be invited to. Always well attended by the residents, some of which enjoy a dance and sing-along.

Our first gig of the new year.
T@2 North Elmham Village Hall. 10th January 24.
This is one of our regular events we are pleased to be involved in. Always well attended by the elderly of the village who enjoy a buffet lunch.

Christmas Coffee Morning. Foxley Vilage Hall. 6th December 23
A special coffee morning for the Villagers at Christmas. Many people enjoyed the coffee and cakes and a wonderful raffle.
Dear Graham
Thank you all so much for playing at our coffee morning today. Everyone enjoyed it and there were lots of positive comments afterwards. We very much appreciate you all giving up your time to play for us at this very busy time of year.
Once again thank you and we wish you all a very happy Christmas
Linda Rose
Foxley Village Hall Committee Secretary

Wells Christmas Tide Event. 25th November 2023
This is one of our Annual events we are pleased to be involved in. The Wells Christmas Tide is a full day event attended by many people both young and old. We all enjoyed playing to the crowd during the 3 sessions through the day
This email was received from one of the event organisers after the event.
May I once again thank you and the rest of the Fakenham Ukes for your performances at our Christmas Tide Festival.
We have had many complimentary messages of how they enjoyed the day, and this is down to your contribution in making it so.
Again many thanks and best wishes to you and all your members for Christmas and New year.
Very best regards to you all